Snow White, 2012-
Untitled (Tea Set), 2012
Freezer, milk
65 x 157 x 67cm
Above: Decaying process of frozen milk objects (Left: 1st day / Right: a month later)
Below: Detail of decayed frozen milk objects
Under the Same Sun, 2015-
Untitled (Toiyamachi), 2016, Cyanotype sensitiser, cotton, wood, 86 x 61 x 6cm
Installation view: WEWANTOSEE, Kanazawa 21st Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
VoS, 2008-
Untitled (Ice Skating Shoes), 2013
Re-composition of ice skating shoes with artificial skins
Dimension variable
Installation view: Input/Output 2013, De Bond, Brugge, Belgium
Untitled (Football), 2009
Re-composition of football with artificial skins
Dimension variable
Untitled (Canvas), 2008
Artificial skin stretched on canvas frame
18.5 x 14 x 4cm
Untitled (Chair), 2009
Re-composition of chair with artificial skins
72 x 61.5 x 69cm
Installation view: New Generation - Looking for unknown place, art space kimura ASK?, Tokyo, Japan
To Whom It May Concern, 2015 -
A series of intimate letters in Braille, framed behind a glass.
Untitled (Love Letter), 2015, Framed blue braille sheet, 39 x 36.5 x 4cm
FP, 2014 -
Untitled, 2014, Air, culture medium applied on canvas, sealed frame, 135.3 x 85.6 x 13.5cm
Installation view: Curtain Call - International Film Festival Rotterdam 2018, Rotterdam, Netherland
Photos: Chantal van Rijt
Blinkers, 2015 -
Untitled (Lovers), 2018, Mount on newspaper, 127.8 x 83.6 x 3cm
Installation view: Portrait of a Family, Archiraar Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Photo: Gilles Ribero
Untitled (Prosaic Astronomy), 2017
Mount on journal
31.2 x 22.9 x 3cm
Photos: Gilles Ribero
Untitled (Please Like Me), 2017, Mount on journal, 31.2 x 38.2 x 3cm
Photos: Gilles Ribero
"It Collapsed Out of Shame", 2016 -
Untitled (Anno Fons), 2018
HD video